7.1. Glossary

For the purposes of this guide, the following terms and their definitions are used:

Billblend Hardware and Software System (Billblend Payment Gateway)

An information system designed for automated and secure processing of payment transactions and their storage.

Billblend Payment Management System (Billblend UI)

Payment management user interface and analytical platform of Billblend Payment Gateway.


The company that provides services, works or sales of goods through the E-commerce, mobile commerce or mPOS channels.


An organization that provides services for processing transactions of Processor Merchants using the Billblend Payment Gateway and accounting for transactions in the Billblend UI.


The entity of the system, which is a technical integration with a specific acquiring bank or other payment service provider for processing transactions.


Identification data in the Billblend UI, which allows the user to interact with the system on their own behalf.


An agreement to carry out a financial operation between a customer and the merchant to pay for services, work or goods, to return funds for previously paid services, works or goods, to transfer money from card to card, or to hold funds for future payment.

Antifraud filter

Technical transaction analysis algorithm for identifying suspicious and fraudulent transactions, based on the experience of Billblend employees and international fraud monitoring practices.


Bank identification number, first 6 digits of card number.