1.7. Transfer Form


Transfer is a type of complex transaction that allows to move funds between bank cards (PAN), card tokens (RPI) and Connecting Party bank account (deposits).
Transfer-form integration is relevant for Connecting Party who are not able to accept sender card details (Connecting Party’s website must complete PCI DSS certification). Using Transfer Form integration Connecting Party is released of accepting payment details. In this case the accepting and processing of payment details is carried out on the Billblend side (if PAN is not sent). This type of integration also allows the Sender (for transfers between cards) or Receiver (for deposit to card) to submit their PAN on Billblend side.

All forms can be customized. Follow the Forms Customization reference to see examples and macros of Payment Page Customization, Prefilled Cardholder Data in Payment Page, Wait Page Customization and Finish Page Customization.

See terms definitions in Glossary.

Transfer Form Use-Cases diagram:

hide members
hide circle

circle " " as c2
package From <<Frame>> {
class "Form" as f1a
class "Card number\n(Pan)" as pan1a
class "Reccuring Payment ID\n(RPI)" as rpi1a
class "Connecting Party Account\n(Deposit to card)" as dca

package To <<Frame>> {
class "Card number\n(PAN)" as pan2
class "Reccuring Payment ID\n(RPI)" as rpi2
class "Form" as f2


f1a --|> pan2
f1a --|> rpi2
f1a -- c2
pan1a -- c2
rpi1a -- c2
dca -- c2
dca -[hidden]> f2
c2 --|> f2

Possible transfer form Use-Cases:

Form to PAN

Transfer from Form to PAN occurs when transferring funds from payment details indicated in form to bank card for which its number is indicated.

Form to RPI

Transfer from Form to RPI occurs when funds are transferred from payment details indicated in form to bank card for which its recurring payment id is indicated.

PAN to Form

Transfer from PAN to Form occurs when funds are transferred from one bank card for which its number is indicated to payment details indicated in form.

RPI to Form

Transfer from RPI to Form occurs when funds are transferred from one bank card for which its recurring payment id is indicated to payment details indicated in form.

Form to Form

Transfer from Form to Form occurs when funds are transferred from payment details indicated in form to another payment details indicated in form.

deposit to Form

Transfer from deposit to Form occurs when funds are transferred from Connecting Party account to payment details indicated in form.

Transfer Flow

skinparam roundcorner 20
skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 2
skinparam ParticipantPadding 30
actor Sender as Payer
participant "Connecting Party" as A
participant "Payment Gateway" as B
Payer -> A: Payment Initiation
activate A
== Transfer Request ==
A -> B: api/v4/transfer-form
activate B
B --> A: Redirect-url, orderId
deactivate B
A -> Payer: Provide redirect-url to sender’s browser
deactivate A
activate Payer
Payer -> B: GET redirect-url
deactivate Payer
activate B
B --> Payer: Transfer Form
deactivate B
activate Payer
Payer -> B: Submit form
deactivate Payer
activate B
B -> B: Process payment
== Final redirect of Payer ==
B -> Payer: Connecting Party website redirect_url
activate Payer
Payer -> A: POST redirect_url status, orderid
deactivate Payer
activate A
group Get Final Status
== Receive Callback ==
A <- B: Сallback with final status
B <-- A: HTTP 200
deactivate B
== Order Status Request ==
A -> B: Get status by Order ID
activate B
B --> A: Final Status
deactivate B
A --> Payer: Show Result
deactivate Payer
deactivate A

(1) Transfers between cards are initiated by Sender. Transfer from Connecting Party (deposits) are initiated by Receiver, with the same transaction flow.
(2) To implement transfer-form request see /api/v4/transfer-form/.
(9) To implement final redirect see Final Redirect.
(11) To implement callback with final status handling see Connecting Party Callbacks.
(13) To implement order status see /api/v2/status/. Status should be requested multiple times with 3-5 seconds interval until final status will be received in response.